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Text Message Terms

These Text Message Terms (“Terms”) describe how Boston Scally Holdings, LLC, along with its representatives, officers, shareholders, subsidiaries, affiliates, parents, employees, and agents (collectively "Boston Scally" or "we" or "us" or "our"), uses and collects your phone number for the purposes of SMS text messaging. If we offer SMS text messaging services, these Terms govern how we may provide and you may use such services. When you agree to these Terms, you also agree to our Privacy Policy, which governs these Terms. We may amend or change these Terms from time to time as set forth in the Privacy Policy. Capitalized terms not defined in these Terms are defined in the Privacy Policy.

General Terms

If you elect to receive text messages, we will send you text messages regarding your account activity, transaction activity, promotions, and other news and information about us. If you do not agree to these Terms, do not sign up for text messages.

Your wireless carrier may assess certain fees or charges associated with your use of text messaging. We are not responsible for such fees. Your carrier may restrict or prohibit certain mobile features and certain mobile features may be incompatible with your carrier or mobile device. Our text message program applies only to mobile devices registered in the United States and with United States carriers. Please review your wireless carrier’s policies and contact them if you have any questions.

Consent to receive text messages is not a condition of purchase. You acknowledge that you are at least eighteen years of age and you have the consent of the wireless account holder to sign up for text messages and pay for any related fees. We may use an automatic dialing system or automated number selection system to send you text messages. We are not liable for any delays in the receipt of any text messages. Delivery is subject to effective transmission from your network operator. You are responsible for updating your number with us and ensuring your account information is correct. Messages may be sent via SMS or MMS messaging. Text messages may be promotional or transactional (in response to your purchases, for example) in nature. The maximum number of messages you receive will vary based on the types of notifications to which you subscribe and the number of transactions you conduct with us.

Changing Your Text Message Preferences

You can cancel our text message alerts at any time by texting “STOP” in response to the text message you received after which we will send a text message to confirm that you have been unsubscribed. After this, you will no longer receive text messages from that particular number. If you want to receive our text alerts again, respond to the unsubscribe confirmation with START or change the phone number in your account and we will start sending text alerts to you again. If at any time you forget what keywords are supported, text “HELP” to the text message you received and you will receive instructions on how to use our service as well as how to unsubscribe.


If you have any questions regarding these Terms or the processing of your phone number for purposes of SMS text messages, please contact us as set forth in the Privacy Policy.

Last modified: August 10, 2022